Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hard cash, for Sun Signs

According to a survey by a leading UK Building Society, your sun sign gives a pretty good indication of your habits with money. No surprise to astrologers.

It is interesting that something as down to earth as a financial institution should come up with its own results based on 1000 people. Check out the results below:

They seek fame not fortune and have no desire to get rich. Prefer spending to saving and rarely organise their finances. Spend four hours a week in bars - that's twice the time spend sorting your money.

Work hard and make steady progress with money. Spend two hours a week working our finances. One in five saves more than £100 every month. Almost a third say their biggest stress is in lack of cash.

Sociable, unpredictable and adore spending. Spend little time sorting out their finances. One in five get stressed if they can't pay bills on time, while seven in ten say they aren't paid enough.

Obsessed by security so like to have money. Make perfect business partners as they save and budget. They save more than the other signs one in five of them between £100 and £200 a month. (Richard Branson is a Cancerian!)

Enjoy spending and dislike debt, so keep a firm chck on their finances. Spend more than three hours a week shopping and one in ten say they can't save as they like luxury holidays. Have a laid back approach to cash.

Cautious and sensible, they are great money managers. Can live on a tight budget. Spend less than three hours a week shopping. One in five would give up booze and fags to save.

Crave a sense of order and balance. One in three saves £50 a week and more than half of those that don't say they don't earn enough. One third of Librans would give up luxuries like cigarettes to save money.

Fiery tempered and often obsessive, but can be good with financial matters. One in eight admit they spend too much of their earnings. A third say their partners are the greatest source of stress.

Last of the big spenders, they never worry about money and like gambling. Can be good with money but find it dull. One in fice saves over £100 a month, the rest say they'd save more if they cut back on seven hours a week socialising.

Money management comes easily as they're prudent and enjoy hard work. Spend the most hours working and the least spending. One in ten saves over £100 a month.

Capable of making vast amounts of money but don't see it as the most important thing in life. Almost one in four manage to save £50 to £100 a month. Traffic jams are their greatest source of stress.

They often make money from inheritance or sheer luck. Are forgetful so misplacing cash comes easily. One third say family issues worry them most, while unpaid bills stress out one in ten.

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