Thursday, June 17, 2010

Astrology Art or Science?

Welcome to Arya Astro Vision,

Hi i am Bhargav Pandya (Jyotish Visharada, Karmakand Visharada), wants to share with you about the huge world of Astrology.

This is the science of the schoolroom, with which we are all familiar. How many of us are knowledgeable about the latest discoveries of science? It is likely that a current specialist in the subject would refute this description of science, and I would argue that it is on this same simplistic, uneducated basis that astrology is judged today.

However, current scientific developments in the realm of quantum physics indicate that the sub-atomic world is very different.

Science is becoming metaphysical and we are told that results of experiments on this level change according to whether they are being observed.

In other words the consciousness of the observer plays a subjective role in the outcome of an experiment. Or, we create our own reality (Jack Sarfatti physicist, "Implications of Meta-Physics for Psycho-energetic Systems" who states that the structure of matter may not be independent of consciousness).

Astrology asserts that, according to the placement of planets at the time of our birth, our psychological drives and motivations, and our conscious choices dictate our paths through life.

At the same time, the continued cycles and positions of planets impact on our individual life paths through mechanisms described as 'fate' or synchronicity, and the astrologer's role is to make sense of this!

Perhaps a time is fast approaching when science catches up with astrology and indeed is able to learn from astrological knowledge developed over thousands of years, and recognize its relevance in today's complex society.

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