Thursday, June 17, 2010

your birth chart is a life clock

We are all familiar with a baby's milestones and the changes that occur throughout their first years of life, but this can be applied to adults. At certain ages we can expect particular themes and events to be prevalent at that time. You've heard of the mid-life crisis? Read on!

The twelve houses in the chart correspond with twelve periods of six years in your life, so by the time you have progressed around the chart you will be seventy two, time to enter your second childhood!

So from the age of 18 to 24, you will be in the Fourth House of home and family. This begins the separation process from the parental home and an opportunity to fly the nest.

From 24 to 30, you will be in the Fifth House, the area in your life associated with love affairs, creative self-expression, children and risk taking. Any one of these subjects will preoccupy you at this time.

From 30 to 36 you will be in the Sixth House, where work and service to others will be important. You may have an awareness of health matters for the first time and experiment with alternative therapies. If you are a woman, you may find that you put everyone else's needs before your own, running around after children and partners. If you are a man, you will be concentrating on building a career and dealing with the pressures of work.

36 marks a major turning point. You are now opposite the Ascendent, exactly half way round your chart and maybe half way through your life. You are like Janus, the god who looks forwards and backwards. It may be that certain aspects of your life are no longer working. Time to change and put your head over the horizon. Quite often relationships do not withstand the pressures at this time and you may go through separation or divorce.

From 36 to 42 you will be in the Seventh House. You will learn more about relationships and yourself through how you relate to others. Maybe you will get married again or choose to have a period of being single again.

From 42 to 48 you will be in the Eighth House, maybe one of the most testing times in your life. This is the House associated with Scorpio so expect dramatic transformations, perhaps dealing with death of family members, and a chance to build your inner strengths and reserves as a result of life's crises. The rewards can be great but it can be tough getting there!

From 48 to 54, you will be in the Ninth House. This is a time to perhaps learn new skills, return to study or maybe teach, and also family life may now give you the opportunity to travel overseas and not just build sandcastles on the beach. (Not that there is anything wrong with building sandcastles!!) You begin to formulate your own spritual values.

From 54 to 60 you earn the respect of others and may have reached the top of your profession. You are now in the Tenth House and will have established your position in society. You may feel particularly distant from the younger generation.

From 60 to 66 you enter the Eleventh House. Time to start looking back at your memories and achievements in life. Hopefully, you will have gathered a support network of good friends, as some of you maybe facing widowhood at this time. Perhaps you will belong to special clubs and groups, as you are now a senior citizen. Time to enjoy your retirement and take up new interests!

From 66 to 72. Congratulations! You have come full circle and you are now in the Twelfth House. This is time when you may face the loneliness that comes at this time and have to deal with health problems. However, you could, with a positive outlook begin a new orientation in your life. You begin to enter a second childhood and find that you may be fighting your own children with disinheritance threats, obstinacy and earn your self the title of being an "awkward bugger!"

Hard cash, for Sun Signs

According to a survey by a leading UK Building Society, your sun sign gives a pretty good indication of your habits with money. No surprise to astrologers.

It is interesting that something as down to earth as a financial institution should come up with its own results based on 1000 people. Check out the results below:

They seek fame not fortune and have no desire to get rich. Prefer spending to saving and rarely organise their finances. Spend four hours a week in bars - that's twice the time spend sorting your money.

Work hard and make steady progress with money. Spend two hours a week working our finances. One in five saves more than £100 every month. Almost a third say their biggest stress is in lack of cash.

Sociable, unpredictable and adore spending. Spend little time sorting out their finances. One in five get stressed if they can't pay bills on time, while seven in ten say they aren't paid enough.

Obsessed by security so like to have money. Make perfect business partners as they save and budget. They save more than the other signs one in five of them between £100 and £200 a month. (Richard Branson is a Cancerian!)

Enjoy spending and dislike debt, so keep a firm chck on their finances. Spend more than three hours a week shopping and one in ten say they can't save as they like luxury holidays. Have a laid back approach to cash.

Cautious and sensible, they are great money managers. Can live on a tight budget. Spend less than three hours a week shopping. One in five would give up booze and fags to save.

Crave a sense of order and balance. One in three saves £50 a week and more than half of those that don't say they don't earn enough. One third of Librans would give up luxuries like cigarettes to save money.

Fiery tempered and often obsessive, but can be good with financial matters. One in eight admit they spend too much of their earnings. A third say their partners are the greatest source of stress.

Last of the big spenders, they never worry about money and like gambling. Can be good with money but find it dull. One in fice saves over £100 a month, the rest say they'd save more if they cut back on seven hours a week socialising.

Money management comes easily as they're prudent and enjoy hard work. Spend the most hours working and the least spending. One in ten saves over £100 a month.

Capable of making vast amounts of money but don't see it as the most important thing in life. Almost one in four manage to save £50 to £100 a month. Traffic jams are their greatest source of stress.

They often make money from inheritance or sheer luck. Are forgetful so misplacing cash comes easily. One third say family issues worry them most, while unpaid bills stress out one in ten.

Astrology Art or Science?

Welcome to Arya Astro Vision,

Hi i am Bhargav Pandya (Jyotish Visharada, Karmakand Visharada), wants to share with you about the huge world of Astrology.

This is the science of the schoolroom, with which we are all familiar. How many of us are knowledgeable about the latest discoveries of science? It is likely that a current specialist in the subject would refute this description of science, and I would argue that it is on this same simplistic, uneducated basis that astrology is judged today.

However, current scientific developments in the realm of quantum physics indicate that the sub-atomic world is very different.

Science is becoming metaphysical and we are told that results of experiments on this level change according to whether they are being observed.

In other words the consciousness of the observer plays a subjective role in the outcome of an experiment. Or, we create our own reality (Jack Sarfatti physicist, "Implications of Meta-Physics for Psycho-energetic Systems" who states that the structure of matter may not be independent of consciousness).

Astrology asserts that, according to the placement of planets at the time of our birth, our psychological drives and motivations, and our conscious choices dictate our paths through life.

At the same time, the continued cycles and positions of planets impact on our individual life paths through mechanisms described as 'fate' or synchronicity, and the astrologer's role is to make sense of this!

Perhaps a time is fast approaching when science catches up with astrology and indeed is able to learn from astrological knowledge developed over thousands of years, and recognize its relevance in today's complex society.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Welcome to Arya Astro Vision

hello Every one ...........

Welcome to Arya Astro Vision where solution through spiritual way.